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Vogue USA April 2024

Golden Lion 2023 Venice Award

Nice France October 7 2023  Critique About my Paintings in Italian and English Language

Nice France 5 October 2023 Trophee Claude Monet and Trophee Cote D’Azur

Malta Exhibition  Parliament House of Malta The  Parliament House of Malta  consists of two blocks connected together with bridges, one of which houses the chamber of parliament. The two blocks are separate so as not to obscure views of Saint James Cavalier from Republic Street. Each bl…

Sanremo Exhibition 14 September until 17 September in Ariston Theatre  Photos &Video

Golden Gondola Award  2023 July 8 Grand Canal Carlton Hotel

Malta Exhibition  6 October-23 October 2023 The beautiful  Parliament House  of  Malta   will be the stage of this art event.I participate with one painting. The  Parliament House of Malta  consists of two blocks connected together with bridges, one of which houses the chamber of parlia…

Michelangelo International Prize 2023  and Star of Art Market 2023 My two Awards from Rome !!!Michelangelo International Award and Star of Art and Market 2023 !!! The  Michelangelo International Prize   is a recognition that is assigned to all those artists who have distinguished themse…

Coming the September Sanremo 1st Biennale !!! I participate with one painting the Exhibition will take place in Ariston Theater Sanremo Italy from September 14th to 17th .Ariston Theater is famous for the Italian Song Festival!!! Sanremo Biennale ARTEXPO  is an event designed to involve t…

Tokyo Tower Digital Exhibition  Minato ,Tokyo  Japan  10-12 March 2023 The only Greek Participation in Tokyo Exhibition  The official Exhibition Catalogue  Photos